Jenniffer Lee, Candidate for Republican State Committeewoman, talks about why she is running and what she hopes to accomplish with the Party position.
BOCA RATON, Fla., July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Long-time Boca Raton resident, Jenniffer Lee, has decided to put her money where her mouth is. When asked why, she said, "If you're not part of the solution, you shouldn't complain about the problem." Jenniffer is running for Republican State Committeewoman in Palm Beach County because she feels the Republican Party is no longer connected to voters here. This is an unpaid position requiring travel at her own expense, but she is not seeking donations. In fact, the website she is marketing, , offers more information to assist voters and her fellow Republican candidates, than it does to promote her, because she feels that people need to be informed. She thinks the party should be offering this information to the public to make it easy for voters to know about the candidates, registration process, ways to vote, and how to get involved. "I think the average American wants to participate, but they don't know what their options are and they don't have time to do a lot of research," said Jenniffer. "We need to make it easier for them."
Jenniffer registered as a Republican in Palm Beach County in 1992, and has lived, worked, and owned businesses here since then. She says she has no plans to venture any farther into politics, but wants to represent the voters in Palm Beach County at the state level to ensure average voices, like hers, are heard. "This position would give me a seat at the table, both with the local Party and with the state Party, enabling me to make suggestions for how to reach more people." Jenniffer frequents many Republican clubs and conservative groups throughout Palm Beach, Broward and Martin counties, and feels those meetings express the voices of voters equally as much as the Republican Executive Committee, of which she is also a member. She feels the clubs and groups are more important than the Party realizes, as "they are a huge source of campaign volunteers and donations, as well as future Executive Committee members. Joining these clubs and groups is a great way for people to get involved and find out what is going on."
You can learn more about Jenniffer on her website, , where she has also provided information about the Palm Beach County Republican candidates, local clubs and groups, talking points, ways to help, and more. She can be reached directly at [email protected] and welcomes feedback and suggestions.
Media Contact
Jenniffer Lee, Jenniffer Lee, 1 561-303-0973, [email protected],
SOURCE Jenniffer Lee

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